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Newsletter - Friday 18th April 2008
Download Language: Englisch - Version: NL21008.01


1. Data Architecture Integration - Developing Data Services Easily and Consistently

SCORE Adaptive BridgesA service user should not have to bother whether the service he requests is a functional service or a data service. However, most SOA solutions fail to deliver when it comes to make data and application functions available as a service in the same way. Underlying data architectures remain visible. The resulting tight coupling between application elements inflate development costs.

There is another solution: The Data Architecture Integration of SCORE Adaptive Bridges enables you to quickly and easily develop data services as genuine businesses services that are independent of data architecture and storage type. For relational data bases as well as for any other.

If you would like to provide services at the push of a button, please click here...

2. MINT – Test Bench for Integration Proceedings

MINT ProjectWhich model-driven development methods are best suited for the integration of existing applications?

The project "Model-Driven Integration of Information Systems" (MINT) examines different solutions; its goal is the provision of an efficient model-driven method for the integration of business software.

The generative tool SCORE® Adaptive Bridges – Data Architecture Integration™ developed by Delta Software Technology is one of the solution alternatives. Read more about MINT, our contribution to the project, and about the advantages and disadvantages of the different integration methods...

You are facing an integration project? We can help you to accomplish it faster. Please contact us directly!

3. Automation of Maintenance: Changes at the push of a button - reliably - whenever you want

Automation of Software MaintenanceWhat do you believe? To what extent can you automate the modification and the maintenance of your software? As a specialist for the automation of software development we believe that you can automate more than you think.

Modernization and maintenance projects are necessary but complex and fraught with risk. The problems do not arise from the changes themselves but from the huge amount of involved modules, the interconnectedness of the applications and the handling of functional changes during the project.

Automation ensures reliability and saves costs. Therefore we would like to demonstrate to you to which extent maintenance can be automated. You will get a first impression from the detailed presentation material of the event "Automation of Software Maintenance"...

Please get in touch with us to talk about your concrete project if you want to improve the maintenance of your applications.

4. Software Testing Management - Slash your test efforts by using the proper strategies and tools

Software Testing Management Normally, tests are the "worst end" of every software project. More and more efforts are invested in order to complete and optimise an ever growing amount of extensive tests. It goes without saying, that all changes have to prove their correctness passing strict audits.

However, there is an alternative that allows you to slash your test efforts by more than 90 % without turning down quality and security. That sounds like fiction but it is true as you will see in the report from RDW.

The least expensive tests are those which need not to be done!

Strategies that reduce the amount of necessary tests before hand will help you to get your test costs under control. To get a picture of your possibilities, have a look at our presentation material of the event "Software Testing Management" and the practice report from RDW...

Please get in touch with us to discuss your concrete project situation if you want to reduce your test costs.


Related Information

Webinar Series: 'ICEBERGS AHEAD: DISCOVER - (re)understand applications!'

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Successful Assessment for Replacing VORELLE

Aquila Heywood and YOUPLUS introduces ADS on Eclipse

AMELIO Logic Discovery: Analysis for COBOL, PL/I and Delta ADS Applications

Your contact to us ...

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Webinar 'ICEBERGS Ahead: DISCOVER - (re)understand applications' on 29.01.2025

Webinar 'ICEBERGS Ahead – Software-Modernization Made Easy'


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