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WGKK - Wiener GebietskrankenkasseWGKK decided for the automated modernization with AMELIO Modernization Platform from Delta Software Technology, because two goals could be achieved at one go:

  1. Faster applications by modernizing the data accesses.
  2. Platform independency to simplify the migration to more cost-effective platforms later on.

About WGKK

Wiener Gebietskrankenkasse (WGKK – Vienna health insurance) provides - together with its contractual partners - efficient and profound medical care for its 1.124.000 insurants and their 400.000 non-contributory relatives. It is a public corporation and organized as self-government - just like the other Austrian social insurances. This form of organization guarantees to be as close as possible to the insurants and independent from state.

The WGKK continuously extends its services to conform to the social and rapid medical developments.

Increased Performance and Simplified Platform Migration

With the help of AMELIO Modernization Platform from Delta Software Technology, the WGKK replaced all database accesses previously using an Assembler call interface with Embedded SQL (ESQL). By this modernization WGKK could increase the performance of the application package “Leistungen” for insurance payments and services significantly. At the same time the modernized applications became portable and thus were prepared for a platform migration.

"AMELIO allowed us to build a modernization factory that reduced the effort needed for a critical SQL migration project in our core UNISYS OS 2200 applications by 70%.
Our trust in AMELIO was also repeatedly confirmed in other transformation projects, including Y2K and an ACOB/UCOB COBOL compiler migration project"
Dieter Zink, IT Director, Wiener Gebietskrankenkasse, Austria

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The WGKK could increase the performance of their applications significantly by the modernisation with AMELIO Modernization Platform from Delta Software Technology. The complex and slow data accesses using Assembler have been replaced by performant Embedded SQL. The simultaneously achieved portability of the applications simplified the migration to more cost-effective platforms.

 Read more


Further Information

All our solutions are designed to perform changes securely and smoothly. We are specialists for software tools that completely automate technical tasks.

Our solutions are flexible and individually adaptable. They help you with

  • Modernization and migration of platforms, applications and databases
  • Service enablement to build a SOA
  • Integration of applications and data
  • Development for different platforms

Further information on the products successfully used at WGKK can be found here

Or get in touch with us.

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Webinar 'ICEBERGS Ahead: DISCOVER - (re)understand applications' on 29.01.2025

Webinar 'ICEBERGS Ahead – Software-Modernization Made Easy'


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