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YOUPLUS Assurance SchweizA modern development environment was the goal for the software developers of YOUPLUS Assurance Schweiz AG. Together with Delta Software Technology, the previous development environment was replaced by ADS on Eclipse and at the same time the generator system Delta ADS for COBOL was updated.

In 2020, YOUPLUS Assurance Schweiz (YOUPLUS) acquired an insurance portfolio from AIG Life Insurance Switzerland Ltd., Breganzona and at the same time another part of AIG - American Security Life Insurance Company Ltd in Vaduz, Switzerland.

In 2023, YOUPLUS has started its operation in a new company providing solutions for the tied pension 3a and the cost-free pension 3b, which combines unique investment logic with client's personal pension objectives.

YOUPLUS Group is now active in eight European countries. It specialises in Life & Pension solutions and is considered as one of the fastest growing insurance companies in Europe.

The insurance company YOUPLUS Lugano, Switzerland, insurance company successfully uses the generator system Delta ADS for COBOL & PL/I (ADS) from Delta Software Technology (Delta) for more than 30 years. At YOUPLUS, the ADS programs are developed and maintained on the PC and then generated exactly fitting in COBOL. The programs are then executed on IBM z/VSE.

Delta ADSUpdate to the Latest ADS Release

In the first step, ADS was updated from an outdated version to the latest version (6.6.2). For this, only the individual generators had to be updated and standard macros hat to be checked and adapted if necessary. Delta is skilled at this task and brings the appropriate know-how for the secure modernisation.

In order to provide the developers with a modern and uniform development environment, the Delta development system SCOUT² was replaced by ADS on Eclipse (Delta IDS). The use of Delta ADS on Eclipse has the advantage that it can be directly integrated in all Eclipse-based environments. In this case, the plugin was integrated into the OpenText (Micro Focus) development environment.

Delta IDSMore Effective Maintenance and Development

With the help of ADS on Eclipse, the working method for developing and maintaining ADS programs is simplified and modernised so that developers are optimally supported. The use of the Post-generation Debugger makes maintenance much easier, simpler and faster. With it, the generation process can be followed step by step. This makes it much easier for the developers and also the application inheritors to get a handle on the ADS programs.

The development and generation processes of ADS programs were seamlessly integrated into the customer’s development environment. Thus, YOUPLUS could be provided with a uniform and integrated solution.

You Too Can Follow This Way

Do you also want to provide your developers with a modern and integrated development environment? Then contact us! Our modern and integrated development solution Delta IDS is available for many environments, e.g. ADS on Eclipse Eclipse-based development environments, as ADS on Visual Studio for Microsoft Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code. In addition, active Delta customers receive the upgrade to the latest Delta ADS version free of charge.

You can also go this way and simplify the maintenance and development of your Delta ADS applications - your developers and their application heirs will be grateful.

More about ADS and Delta IDS

You would also like to upgrade your ADS installation and know how you can easily integrate your application development with ADS into your PC-based environments? Then get in touch with us.


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A modern development environment was the goal for the software developers of YOUPLUS Assurance Schweiz AG. Together with Delta Software Technology, the previous development environment was replaced by ADS on Eclipse and at the same time the generator system Delta ADS for COBOL was updated.

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