SVA Mainframe Dayz 2025
In February 2025, the focus will be on the mainframe again!
A variety of presentations, exciting discussions and, above all, lots of field reports from the world of the mainframe await you on February 18th and 19th, 2025 at the Mainframe Dayz in Wiesbaden.
Delta Software Technology is represented with a lecture. On February 19th, 2025 at 1:10 p.m., Dr. Daniela Schilling presents:
"When the English Dictionary is not enough - Understanding Applications with AMELIO"
Regular maintenance, extensions, clean-ups or modernizations - no matter what the task is, without a thorough understanding of the application there is no chance of success. COBOL language is easy to read, but that alone is not enough to actually understand large and complex applications.
Do you want to know how AMELIO Logic Discovery helps you to regain knowledge about your application by means of automated analyses, abstraction and task-specific views?
Then come to our lecture at the SVA Mainframe Dayz on February 19th in Wiesbaden.
Further information, registration and agenda can be found here:
Join us and take the opportunity to exchange ideas with your colleagues and discuss current topics.
Register now!
SVA Mainframe Dayz 2023
In March 2023, the focus will be on the mainframe again!
A variety of presentations, exciting discussions and, above all, lots of field reports from the world of the mainframe await you on March 7th and 8th, 2023 at the Mainframe Dayz in Wiesbaden.
Delta Software Technology is represented with a lecture. On March 7th, 2023 at 1:15 p.m., Dr. Daniela Schilling presents:
"Automated Application Cleanup: Using the Washing Machine for Software"
Be there and take the opportunity to present yourself with your colleagues and to shed light on current topics.
Further information such as the agenda and registration can be found here:
Also read about this:
Download Language: Englisch - Version: MT21100.01
RDW has been developing and maintaining its core business applications for over 30 years. The applications work reliably, but over time technical debts have accumulated that make maintenance and further development difficult. The daily business as well as the size and criticality of the application do not allow a manual clean-up of the software. The solution for the problem: a washing machine that performs an automated cleaning of the software from its technical debts.
Read more
SVA Mainframe Dayz 2022
From March 9th to 10th, 2022 we were at the SVA Mainframe Dayz 2022 in Wiesbaden, Germany!
Delta Software Technology were present with a booth and presentation. On March 9th, 2022 at 2:30 p.m., Dr. Daniela Schilling:
"Successful Automatic Database Migration at Gothaer: In Time - In Budget - In Scope"
You could not attend? Here you can request the presentation slides.
Only available in German. If you are interested in an English version, please contact us directly.
In a monthly event series, the Mainframe SpeakZ, SVA again gave the mainframe a voice. With a diverse mix of customer presentations, industry news, tool updates, and more, SVA keeps you up to date on all things mainframe.
Delta Software Technology was there with a presentation:
"Application modernisation according to your requirements, parallel to ongoing operation"
Dr. Daniela Schilling (CEO Delta Software Technology) explained sticking points and pitfalls in large modernization projects and showed solutions based on a large project at a leading German insurance company.
The foundation of business-critical applications has often evolved over decades. During this time, the applications were changed and further developed. New technologies were introduced, partly without completely removing the old technologies.
Modernisations such as clean-up, refactoring, technology exchange and standardisation as well as platform migration are necessary to meet new requirements, improve performance and maintainability, and increase the sustainability of the backend applications.
The documentation of the applications and the knowledge about what was implemented and why it was implemented that way has been lost over time.
- So, how do you regain the required implementation knowledge?
- What do you do with the dependencies?
- What about the risks?
- How do you find all the sticking points?
- How do you organise parallel changes and further development?
- What must be tested?
- How do you securely manage (testing) efforts, costs and risks?
- ...
The solution lies in the precisely targeted analysis prior to a modernisation project, the complete automation of the changes and the flexible organisation of the project processes.
Referencing a large project at a leading German insurance company, we show you how you can safely and reliably carry out a complex modernisation of your applications in parallel to ongoing operation in the mainframe area.
Slides and Recording
You could not attend? Here you can request the presentation slides and watch the recording.
Only available in German. If you are interested in an English version, please contact us directly.