Category: AMELIO Logic Discovery |

AMELIO Logic Discovery
Download Language: Englisch - Version: MT21101-01
Does this sound familiar? Your application is doing what it is supposed to do, but here and there, the performance leaves a lot to be desired? You have already performed profilings and identified performance-critical applications, programs and statements, but where exactly the problems come from, which dependencies exist, etc. is not clear to you?
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AMELIO Logic Discovery is an innovative analysis tool that helps you to better understand your native and generated COBOL, PL/I and Delta ADS applications and to comprehensively secure the relevant functionality.
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Many business-critical core applications have grown over decades. The necessary knowledge for a secure and efficient maintenance, further development and re-writing often doesn’t exist anymore. The size and complexity of the applications hardly allow a manual regaining of the knowledge. The only solution is: an automatic solution. That’s why AMELIO Logic Discovery regains the knowledge from COBOL and PL/I applications 100% automatically.
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Many companies often regard legacy applications as a burden and their maintenance and further development as error-prone and cost-intensive. But re-writing the application is too expensive and too risky due to size and complexity. By cleaning-up, re-structuring and modernization this burden becomes a valuable legacy that can be efficiently and continuously used. With the tools from the AMELIO family these modernization steps can be executed tailor-made and automated. As a result, the effort
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AMELIO Logic Discovery provides extensive data structure analyses for COBOL, PL/I and Delta ADS applications. With the new presentation of the analysis results, the knowledge about your data structures, their declaration, usage and dependencies is now available at a glance.
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AMELIO Logic Discovery - Analysis for ADS Applications
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The various analysis of AMELIO Logic Discovery detect implicit information and relationships and present the results in a clear and understandable way.
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Spring is coming and the sun brings light into flats and houses. Dust and dirt being collected unrecognized during the dark reason now gets visible. Thus in many households the spring-cleaning is started. How about extending your spring-cleaning also to your COBOL- and PL/I-applications?
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“Information is not Knowledge”, this song line from Frank Zappa can also be applied to software development. Information about the implementation does not suffice for the modernisation or re-implementation as well as for the maintenance and further development of applications.
Learn more about how you can automatically extract the necessary expert knowledge from your applications.
Download Language: Englisch - Version: MT21077.02
AMELIO Logic Discovery is an innovative analysis tool that helps to understand COBOL applications better and extracts its relevant functionality. It analyses large and complex applications and derives knowledge about the application functionality from the implementation details.
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AMELIO Logic Discovery is an innovative analysis tool that helps to understand PL/I applications better and extracts its relevant functionality.
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