The 20th workshop “Software Reengineering & Evolution” of the GI section Software Reengineering (SRE) took place this year from 02 - 04 May 2018. (GI – Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. is a German Society for Computer Science).
GI: 20th Workshop Software Reengineering & Evolution
02 - 04 May 2018, Bad Honnef, Germany
Delta Software Technology was represented there with two contributions:
- Live Demo: AMELIO Logic Discovery - "Do You Understand Your Software?"
Download Language: Englisch - Version: mt21087-1
Many business-critical core applications have grown over decades. The necessary knowledge for a secure and efficient maintenance, further development and re-writing often doesn’t exist anymore. The size and complexity of the applications hardly allow a manual regaining of the knowledge. The only solution is: an automatic solution. That’s why AMELIO Logic Discovery regains the knowledge from COBOL and PL/I applications 100% automatically.
Read more- Presentation: Modernising Legacy Applications - "Everything New in Spring?"
Download Language: Englisch - Version: mt21088-1
Many companies often regard legacy applications as a burden and their maintenance and further development as error-prone and cost-intensive. But re-writing the application is too expensive and too risky due to size and complexity. By cleaning-up, re-structuring and modernization this burden becomes a valuable legacy that can be efficiently and continuously used. With the tools from the AMELIO family these modernization steps can be executed tailor-made and automated. As a result, the effort
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Our speaker
Dr. Daniela Schilling
Dr. Daniela Schilling is Managing Director of Delta Software Technology.
Further Information
Further information on the event can be found here:
You couldn't attend? Then contact us, we would be happy to meet you for a personal discussion.