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Delta ADS

ADS – Automated Development for COBOL and PL/IDelta ADS

ADS is Delta's proven solution for the generative development of operational back-end applications in COBOL and PL/I. ADS enables you to develop, maintain and support your online and batch programs independent of platform specific considerations such as operating system, database management system and TP monitor.

ADS is one of the most successful IT application development systems ever released in the enterprise market. A sophisticated and comprehensive generator technology enables the tool-based creation of platform independent online applications and batch applications in COBOL and PL/I. In order to facilitate the object-based database integration, ADS also contains extensive support for generating Data Access Servers.

The developer creates ADS programs with easily maintainable, logical language elements. Powerful generators connect the system neutral descriptions of the applications with the specific code for the selected target platform, including operating system, compiler, database system and TP monitor.

ADS generates high performance applications in the native COBOL or PL/I code of the selected target platform. The generated code is compiled and linked in exactly the same way as a traditionally developed program. Once the code has been generated ADS is no longer involved – there is no interpretive runtime or such approaches with ADS. Thanks to our native code technology all system management, debugging, testing, audit, security control and other system tools can be used with ADS applications.

This process of program assembly is reproducible anytime. Maintenance and further development of the applications is performed at the logical level that is input to the generator. It is never necessary to modify any of the generated code.

"The Delta products bring a tremendous boost to productivity in development and maintenance. We know that based on more than 20 years of experience. This is real added value."
Rainer Neuhaus, Development Manager, Kanton Aargau, Switzerland

Our customers have implemented extremely large applications by using Delta ADS: including billions of generated LOC and hundreds of thousands of programs. According to statements of our customers, only a few developers are needed to maintain and further develop thousands of programs. The development with ADS is stable, reliable and very efficient.

The New ADS 6 for Even More Productivity in Application Development

ADS 6 provides the functions that help you to better understand your Delta ADS applications. The new functions and language extensions improve the readability and maintainability of the applications. With the new release of ADS the development and maintenance gets even more efficient.

45 Years Delta ADSDelta ADS celebrates its 45th anniversary!

"I am pleased that after almost 50 years, Delta ADS
is still being used successfully for the development

and migration of large and complex applications.",
says Dr. Reinhold Thurner, the „father of Delta ADS“.

We have summarized for you how Delta ADS has evolved over the past 45 years, why it has been and still is so successfull.
Find out what advantages Delta ADS offers you for your future application development.



Related Information

Webinar Series: 'ICEBERGS AHEAD: DISCOVER - (re)understand applications!'

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Successful Assessment for Replacing VORELLE

Aquila Heywood and YOUPLUS introduces ADS on Eclipse

AMELIO Logic Discovery: Analysis for COBOL, PL/I and Delta ADS Applications

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Webinar 'ICEBERGS Ahead: CleanUp - Tidy and cleanup Applications' on 26.03.2025

Webinar 'ICEBERGS Ahead: CleanUp - Tidy and cleanup Applications' on 26.03.2025


Delta Software Technology GmbH
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57392 Schmallenberg

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