Delta Software Technology
4 Important Steps for Sustainable Software Modernisation (Part 3)
- Do you value the functionality and reliability of your COBOL and PL/I applications?
- Are you struggling with the complexity and do you lack precise knowledge about the implementation of the functionality?
- Have you also been reducing your investment in existing backend applications for a long time and your experts and knowledge carriers are on their way to retirement?
- Do you want to modernise your operational backend applications and benefit from new technologies while playing it safe with all changes?
We discuss 4 steps that will help you to modernise your applications securely and sustainably.
In step 3 "First Clean Up, Then Modernise - Why?", we show how you can reduce the costs of maintenance, further development and modernisation.
Read now... -
Webinar 'ICEBERGS Ahead - Software-Modernization Made Easy'
We invite you to our webinar 'ICEBERGS Ahead - Software-Modernization Made Easy' on November 13th, 2024 at 11:00 a.m.
Join us when we use the story of the mighty Titanic and show how to avoid todays challenges in application modernization and get around the tricky icebergs on the way.Learn in our webinar series how to succesfully master the challenges of Discover CleanUp Modernizein software modernization.
Join us on board on November, 13th 2024 at 11:00 a.m. CET and get your free ticket right now for the first part of the journey:
Podcast: Mainframe - What the Heck?
Episode 69: Mainframe - The Corporate SilverwareThe invited expert guest in the 69th episode is Daniela Schilling, CEO of Delta Software Technology GmbH. She shares Delta s exciting insights into the topic of mainframes and the handling of legacy systems with the experts Heidi Schmidt and Tobias Leicher.
Delta ADS Webinar - Refresh and Connect
Delta ADS has been the proven solution for the efficient development of operational backend applications in COBOL and PL/I for almost 50 years. Our customers are active in all sectors and have been benefiting from the advantages and continuous development of Delta ADS for many decades. Even at 50, Delta ADS is still evolving to meet today's requirements.That is why we informed you about all the new features and improvements in a free webinar and at the same time offered you the opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences with other Delta ADS users.
Topics relating to the development with Delta ADS and the possibilities of its integration in modern development environments such as Eclipse or Visual Studio with Delta IDS were presented and discussed.
You couldn't attend?
Then request the slides and recording here (only german): -
Support Information: New Product Updates Available
We have released new versions for the following products:- Delta ADS for COBOL (6.6.6)
- Generator Engine alle Varianten (6.6.6)
- ADS on Eclipse (8.2.1)
- ADS on opentext (Micro Focus) EDz / EDc (8.2.1)
For more information about the new features and improvements, please see the respective release notes and reference books in the support area of our website.