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Newsletter - Thursday 10th August 2006
Download Language: Englisch - Version: NL21006.06


1. Model-Driven Development and Product Lines: Synergies and Experiences – Conference 19-20 October 2006

Do you want to improve software development in your area of responsibility? Are you looking for concrete methods to increase quality and to more quickly meet requirements?

In this case you are sure to have heard about model-driven software development, system families, product lines and generative software production.

What could these new development methods do for you? What is the current status, and what experiences have others already made?

The 2-day conference on model-driven software development and product lines offers comprehensive information and decision-making aids. You will find further information here...


2. MINT: Model-Driven Integration of Information Systems – “Software Engineering 2006” Decides Once Again for Delta’s Generators

There is still a lack of validated techniques for the integration of existing heterogeneous integration systems. The new project "Model-Driven Integration of Information Systems”, or “MINT” for short, aims to fill this gap and will therefore compare and evaluate a range of cost effective techniques for the flexible integration of existing databases and application software with new platforms. Delta with its generative tools and technologies will once again play a central role in a project of the “Software Engineering 2006” research initiative.

The selection of the participants began in 2005 and the project has now started. Learn more here...


3. SCOUT² Development Platform: New Version Simplifies Information Exchange

The new version of our SCOUT² Development Platform immediately offers further improvements for the day-to-day project work.

Our customers have told us that they highly value the ability to group together into Collections elements of any type to simplify subsequent processing. For this reason we have given special attention to this area in the new version of SCOUT² and added new functions that simplify the controlled exchange of modules and associated information – both between projects and people, as well as with external or offsite team members.

Continue reading here to find out about the new features now available...


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