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Newsletter - Tuesday, 18th December 2012
Download Language: Englisch - Version: NL21012.04


Welcome to the Delta Newsletter!

At the end of the year we have good news for you. From now on we support your software modernisation and your projects for re-implementation with our new product AMELIO Logic Discovery. In our OBJEKTspektrum article you can learn how to profit from the advantages of model-driven methods for the development of generators as well. Furthermore, in the new year we will start our ambitious research project AmAVaG to help you analyse your generating systems.

Please enjoy reading.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a healthy and successful year 2013!

Your Delta Software Technology Team

1. AMELIO Logic Discovery: Understanding COBOL and PL/I-Applications

We extend our product range for the software modernization. With our new product AMELIO Logic Discovery we now offer an analysis tool that helps you to better understand your COBOL and PL/I applications and to extract the relevant functionality from your extensive applications...

2. The Cobbler always wears the best Shoes

Models are the core topic oft he OBJEKTspektrum 6/2012. In our article "The Cobbler always wears the best Shoes" we show how the MDD-paradox can be solved.

The English version of the article will be available soon.
The German version can be found here...

3. AmAVaG - Understand your Generating Systems

Macro-based generating techniques - as Delta ADS, IBM VisualAge Pacbase, FSP SWT01, Micro Focus Application Master Builder – were used over decades to build powerful generating systems and to generate complex and business critical applications. To automatically analyse and understand these generating systems is the target of the BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research) funded project AmAVaG.

Read more about AmAVaG and get part of the project...


Related Information

Webinar Series: 'ICEBERGS AHEAD: DISCOVER - (re)understand applications!'

Newsletter February 2025

IMS Replacement at Gothaer: In Time – In Budget – In Scope

AMELIO Modernization Platform slashes Risks and Costs for Modernization and Migration

Successful Assessment for Replacing VORELLE

Aquila Heywood and YOUPLUS introduces ADS on Eclipse

AMELIO Logic Discovery: Analysis for COBOL, PL/I and Delta ADS Applications

Your contact to us ...

Do you have further questions or would you like more information about our products?
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Webinar 'ICEBERGS Ahead: DISCOVER - (re)understand applications' on 29.01.2025

Webinar 'ICEBERGS Ahead – Software-Modernization Made Easy'


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