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Webinar IBM IMS/DB replacement: Exchanging Experiences with Gothaer and Provinzial

Join us: We invite you for this short Webinar 25 October 2023 11:00 AM CET.

Probably you know all the good reasons to replace your IMS databases: cost reduction, impact of maintaining multiple database technologies in parallel, lack of flexibility, diminishing know-how and specialists, difficult connection with new technologies like Mobile Cloud etc.
The hurdles for replacing IMS-databases is huge and the applications are running smoothly. These, often mission critical, applications are big, complex and the documentation is in most cases not sufficient for the task ahead.

Delta Software Technology presents, a reliable solution:

  • "Automated and secure from IBM IMS/DB to Db2 with AMELIO Modernization Platform"
    Dr. Daniela Schilling (CEO, Delta Software Technology GmbH)

  • Followed by a Discussion and and sharing of experiences of two reference customers Gothaer Solutions GmbH and Provinzial Versicherung AG that will share with you their successful IMS/DB replacement.

Take the opportunity and ask your questions directly at companies that have successfully replaced IMS/DB already.

Register directly here:



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Webinar 'ICEBERGS Ahead: DISCOVER - (re)understand applications' on 29.01.2025

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