Newsletter - Thursday, 10th December 2020
Dear Reader,
Home office and social distancing dominated a large part of this year and required organizational changes. Nevertheless, we managed to implement business-critical projects on time and on budget together with our customers and partners. Once again it has been shown how much can be achieved by using automated solutions. We are proud to help our customers and partners to modernize their core applications and their development environments and processes during these difficult times and we say “Thank you” for the flexible and very pleasant cooperation.
A tip for the end of the year: Plan your product updates and training dates now!
We wish you happy and relaxing Holidays, as well as a healthy and happy New Year.
Your Delta Software Technology Team
- Gothaer Systems starts migrating its IBM IMS Databases
- LzLabs teams up with Delta Software to ensure seamless application maintenance & development on open systems
- Insurance company assesses unified Micro Focus development environment with Delta Software
- Support Information: New Product Versions available
- New Delta Training Courses: Register Now
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