Newsletter - Friday, 28th April 2017
Dear Reader,
IT modernisation remains to be a top priority. Following an invitation by the International Quality and Productivity Center (IQPC) we present possibilities for the automated software modernisation in Washington DC. In the GI-Workshop "Software Reengineering & Evolution" in Bad Honnef, Germany, we’d like to discuss with you how to automatically regain the application knowledge contained in COBOL and PL/I applications.
Investments for modernisation as well as costs for evolution and maintenance of your applications can be considerably be reduced by cleaning the applications. Best solution is automation: Have a look at our new AMELIO CleanUp Factory!
Furthermore, new product versions and product information are available for you.
Have fun reading.
Your Delta Software Technology Team
- Conference & Lecture: 4th Government IT Modernization
- Clean Up Your COBOL–, PL/I- and Delta ADS Applications
- The Perfect Solution for a Secure Replacement of IMS Databases: AMELIO Modernization Platform
- Support information: New Product Versions available
- GI-Workshop "Software-Reengineering & Evolution"
- Join our Team!
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