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Newsletter - Wednesday, 15. May 2024
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Delta NewsletterDear Delta Interessent,

What's new in Delta ADS? Yes, you read that right: Our popular tool for efficient backend development may be almost 50 years old, but we are constantly developing it further to fulfil your current requirements.

  • In our webinar ‘ADS - Refresh & Connect’, we will inform you about all the new features and further possibilities for your development processes.
  • The new Delta ADS for the target system P3/COBOL opens the door to the world of Java.

In the following articles, we present further methods for preparing your modernisation projects in a targeted manner:

  • We explain another important step for the sustainable modernisation of your COBOL, PL/I and Delta ADS applications.
  • AMELIO Logic Discovery - simply (re)understand applications so that onboarding and modernisation projects succeed reliably.
  • AMELIO Clean-up - The software washing machine safely frees your applications from technical debts and everything that is no longer needed.

We wish you an insightful read and look forward to exchanging ideas.

Your Delta Software Technology Team

Delta ADS for COBOL & PL/IDelta ADS Webinar - Refresh & Connect

Delta ADS has been the proven solution for the efficient development of operational backend applications in COBOL and PL/I for almost 50 years. Our customers are active in all sectors and have been benefiting from the advantages and continuous development of Delta ADS for many decades. Even at 50, Delta ADS is still evolving to meet today's requirements.

That is why we would like to inform you about all the new features and improvements in a free webinar and at the same time offer you the opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences with other Delta ADS users.

Topics relating to the development with Delta ADS and the possibilities of its integration in modern development environments such as Eclipse or Visual Studio with Delta IDS will be presented and discussed.Would you be interested in participating in such a webinar? Which topics relating to development with Delta ADS and the possibilities of the integration into modern development environments such as Eclipse or Visual Studio with Delta IDS would be of particular interest to you?

We are planning the webinar for 28 June 2024 at 11 a.m. - Register now!


AMELIO Logic Discovery - Automated Application Analysis4 Important Steps for Sustainable Software Modernisation (Part 2)

  • Do you value the functionality and reliability of your COBOL and PL/I applications?
  • Are you struggling with the complexity and do you lack precise knowledge about the implementation of the functionality?
  • Have you also been reducing your investment in existing backend applications for a long time and your experts and knowledge carriers are on their way to retirement?
  • Do you want to modernise your operational backend applications and benefit from new technologies while playing it safe with all changes?

We discuss 4 steps that will help you to modernise your applications securely and sustainably. Read now:


Pre-release available: Delta ADS - Generation for the Java Target System P3/COBOLPre-release available: Delta ADS - Generation for the Java Target System P3/COBOL

Existing IT applications are often a company's most valuable software assets, setting it apart from its competitors. One of today's greatest challenges is therefore to expand a company's technology base without having to give up decades of valuable development work.

So how do you bring your COBOL applications generated with Delta ADS into the modern world quickly and securely? It's simple! To make it easier for you to integrate your Delta ADS applications into your Java environment, Delta Software Technology made the Delta ADS development system available for the EasiRun P3/COBOL compiler.

Integrate your Delta ADS applications easily into your Java environment:


AMELIO Cleanup - the Washing Machine for SoftwarePresentation at GSE zExpert Forum: AMELIO - The Software Washing Machine

COBOL- and PL/I-applications are still performing their tasks reliably. However, the longer these applications live, the more debris and technical debts accumulate in the applications, making their maintenance and further development increasingly difficult and error-prone. It also makes sense to clean up applications in the run-up to modernisation projects in order to prevent errors and minimise costs.

As a solution, Manuel Dolle presented at the Swiss 98. GSE z/OS zExpert Forum on 10 April 2024, how the software washing machine with AMELIO Cleanup enables a secure and agile cleanup of your applications.

Further information can be found here:


Workshop Software-Reengineering & EvolutionSoftware Reengineering & Evolution

"Software Reengineering and Evolution" is an evergreen in software development. However, new technologies and possibilities in the area of development lead to ever new challenges in dealing with the existing software.

The 26th Software Reengineering & Evolution Workshop of the GI Software Reengineering (SRE) specialist group took place on 29 and 30 April in Bad Honnef. At this year's tool session, Dr. Daniela Schilling, CEO of Delta Software Technology, presented:
‘When the English Dictionary is Not Enough - Understanding COBOL Applications with AMELIO Logic Discovery’

You couldn’t attend? No problem! Contact us directly and find out how AMELIO Logic Discovery can help you to re-understand your COBOL applications:


Support Information: New Product Updates AvailableSupport Information: New Product Updates Available

We have released new versions for the following products:

  • Delta ADS for COBOL (6.6.5)
  • Generator Engine all variations (6.6.5)
  • ADS on Eclipse (8.1.4)
  • ADS on opentext (Micro Focus) EDz / EDc (8.1.4)

For more information about the new features and improvements, please see the respective release notes and reference books in the support area of our website.



Related Information

Webinar Series: 'ICEBERGS AHEAD: DISCOVER - (re)understand applications!'

Newsletter February 2025

IMS Replacement at Gothaer: In Time – In Budget – In Scope

AMELIO Modernization Platform slashes Risks and Costs for Modernization and Migration

Successful Assessment for Replacing VORELLE

Aquila Heywood and YOUPLUS introduces ADS on Eclipse

AMELIO Logic Discovery: Analysis for COBOL, PL/I and Delta ADS Applications

Your contact to us ...

Do you have further questions or would you like more information about our products?
We are happy to serve you!

I am not a Robot:

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Webinar 'ICEBERGS Ahead: CleanUp - Tidy and cleanup Applications' on 26.03.2025

Webinar 'ICEBERGS Ahead: CleanUp - Tidy and cleanup Applications' on 26.03.2025


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