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Newsletter - Tuesday, 17. October 2023
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Delta NewsletterDear Delta Interessent,

Today we have put together a bunch of news for you:

First of all, we would like to invite you to our free webinar on the successful and secure replacement of IBM IMS DB. You can ask your questions directly to the experts of two large companies.

Furthermore, we facilitate the smooth integration of your Delta ADS applications into your Java runtime environment with the help of the generation for the Java target system P3/COBOL provided by EasiRun Europe.

To learn how you can seamlessly integrate your Delta ADS development into a modern development environment, read the field report from YOUPLUS, one of the fastest growing insurance companies.

We also have some product updates for you.

Last but not least, we would like to invite you to participate and to submit your topics for the workshop "Software Reengineering and Evolution".

Register now for our webinar and feel free to forward this invitation and this newsletter to interested colleagues!

We look forward to a lively exchange with you!

Your Delta Software Technology Team

Webinar IBM IMS/DB Replacement: Exchanging Experiences with Gothaer and ProvinzialWebinar IBM IMS/DB Replacement: Exchanging Experiences with Gothaer and Provinzial

Join us: We invite you for this short Webinar 25 October 2023 11:00 AM CET.

Probably you know all the good reasons to replace your IMS databases: cost reduction, impact of maintaining multiple database technologies in parallel, lack of flexibility, diminishing know-how and specialists, difficult connection with new technologies like Mobile Cloud etc.

The hurdles for replacing IMS-databases is huge and the applications are running smoothly. These, often mission critical, applications are big, complex and the documentation is in most cases not sufficient for the task ahead.

Delta Software Technology presents, a reliable solution:

  • "Automated and secure from IBM IMS/DB to Db2 with AMELIO Modernization Platform"
    Dr. Daniela Schilling (CEO, Delta Software Technology GmbH)
  • Followed by a Discussion and and sharing of experiences of two reference customers Gothaer Solutions GmbH and Provinzial Versicherung AG that will share with you their successful IMS/DB replacement.

Take the opportunity and ask your questions directly at companies that have successfully replaced IMS/DB already.

Register directly here:


Coming Soon: Delta ADS - Generation for the Java Target System P3/COBOLComing Soon: Delta ADS - Generation for the Java Target System P3/COBOL

Existing IT applications are often a company's most valuable software assets, setting it apart from its competitors. One of today's greatest challenges is therefore to expand a company's technology base without having to give up decades of valuable development work.

So how do you bring your COBOL applications generated with Delta ADS into the modern world quickly and securely? It's simple! To make it easier for you to integrate your Delta ADS applications into your Java environment, Delta Software Technology will make the Delta ADS development system available for the EasiRun P3/COBOL compiler.

Integrate your Delta ADS applications easily into your Java environment:


YOUPLUS Unifies its Development Environment and Updates Delta ADSYOUPLUS Unifies its Development Environment and Updates Delta ADS

A modern development environment was the goal for the software developers of YOUPLUS Assurance Schweiz AG. Together with Delta Software Technology, the previous development environment was replaced by ADS on Eclipse and at the same time the generator system Delta ADS for COBOL was updated.

The insurance company YOUPLUS (Lugano, Switzerland), one of the fastest growing insurance companies, successfully uses the generator system Delta ADS for COBOL & PL/I from Delta Software Technology for more than 30 years. At YOUPLUS, the ADS programs are developed and maintained on the PC and then generated exactly fitting in COBOL. The programs are then executed on IBM z/VSE.

In the first step, ADS was updated from an outdated version to the latest version. The development and generation processes of ADS programs were seamlessly integrated, with the help of ADS on Eclipse, into the customer s development environment (OpenText / Micro Focus). Thus, YOUPLUS could be provided with a uniform and integrated solution.

Read now how easy the change to a modern developement environment can be:


Support Information: New Product Updates AvailableSupport Information: New Product Updates Available

We have implemented your suggestions and further improved our products. The following product releases are now available for you:

  • Delta ADS (6.6.3)
    In the new release Delta ADS, we have implemented a number of corrections and, above all, improvements in the Post-Generation Debugger. With the Post-Generation Debugger, you can significantly accelerate the maintenance of your Delta ADS applications by quickly and accurately following the generation process. We have also implemented further improvements in the area of generating Data Access Servers for the object-based database integration (Delta DBI).
  • AMELIO Logic Discovery (2.4.1)
    In the new release of AMELIO Logic Discovery we have, besides some corrections, further optimised the navigation. With our innovative analysis tool for COBOL, PL/I and Delta ADS applications, you can now find the relevant knowledge and the corresponding locations in the code even faster.

Benefit from the Improvements Now.
Simply request the new product releases now directly on our website.


Software Reengineering & Evolution: Benefit from the Direct Exchange between Practice and ResearchSoftware Reengineering & Evolution: Benefit from the Direct Exchange between Practice and Research

"Software Reengineering and Evolution" is an evergreen in software development. However, new technologies and possibilities in the area of development lead to ever new challenges in dealing with the existing software.

The expert group Software Reengineering and Evolution (SRE) within the "Gesellschaft f r Informatik" (GI) the German-speaking professional society for computer science offers compelling lectures and discussions on challenges and solutions, tool demos and much more.

Take advantage of the opportunity for direct professional exchange and networking. Participation is open to all. All details about the workshop "Software Reengineering and Evolution" (WSRE) can be found here:



Related Information

Webinar Series: 'ICEBERGS AHEAD: DISCOVER - (re)understand applications!'

Newsletter February 2025

IMS Replacement at Gothaer: In Time – In Budget – In Scope

AMELIO Modernization Platform slashes Risks and Costs for Modernization and Migration

Successful Assessment for Replacing VORELLE

Aquila Heywood and YOUPLUS introduces ADS on Eclipse

AMELIO Logic Discovery: Analysis for COBOL, PL/I and Delta ADS Applications

Your contact to us ...

Do you have further questions or would you like more information about our products?
We are happy to serve you!

I am not a Robot:

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Webinar 'ICEBERGS Ahead: CleanUp - Tidy and cleanup Applications' on 26.03.2025

Webinar 'ICEBERGS Ahead: CleanUp - Tidy and cleanup Applications' on 26.03.2025


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