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Newsletter - Thursday, 03. August 2023
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Delta NewsletterDear Delta Interessent,

Lions on the loose near Berlin? To avoid a summer slump that has to be filled with such stories, we have prepared some exciting summer reading for you. Find out today ...

  • How you can (further) develop your ADS applications more efficiently and maintain them more easily with Delta IDS.
  • How AMELIO Logic Discovery helps you to understand performance problems.
  • How you can use our AMELIO Washing Machine to safely clean up your applications and free them from the ballast that has accumulated over years (or decades).
  • Which ways of application modernisation were discussed quite controversially in the webinar "Legacy in Flux - Automatic Migration?" organised by itemis.

In addition, our colleague Hans Nickessen reports in his text series "Iceberg ahead" on his experiences in dealing with legacy applications. Read today how you can realise the added value of modernisation.

Please send us your questions and comments. We will be happy to provide you with further information.

Your Delta Software Technology Team

Delta IDS - The Integrated Solution for the Efficient Development of Your Delta ADS ApplicationsDelta IDS - The Integrated Solution for the Efficient Development of Your Delta ADS Applications

Are you also tired of the hassle with multiple development environments? Do you also wish for a uniform development environment and process control for the different programming languages?

Delta IDS is the modern integrated development environment (IDE) for the easy and efficient development and maintenance of your Delta ADS applications, which blends seamlessly into your existing working environment.

Use the features of Delta IDS

  • to better understand applications,
  • to easily streamline development processes,
  • to deploy new application functionality faster and with better quality.

Click here to discover Delta IDS now.


Understanding Performance Problems with AMELIO Logic DiscoveryUnderstanding Performance Problems with AMELIO Logic Discovery

Does this sound familiar? Your application is doing what it is supposed to do, but here and there, the performance leaves a lot to be desired? You have already performed profilings and identified performance-critical applications, programs and statements, but where exactly the problems come from, which dependencies exist, etc. is not clear to you?

Then, AMELIO Logic Discovery will help you to finally understand the performance problems of your COBOL, PL/I and Delta ADS applications and to track down the causes. - How? Find the details here:


Remove Your Technical Debts with AMELIO CleanUpRemove Your Technical Debts with AMELIO CleanUp

Software also accumulates dust over the years. Because of the effort and risk, a removal of the dust is often avoided. On the other hand, the maintenance is becoming increasingly difficult. If the proven code should be used continuously, either in maintenance or as a basis for rewriting, it is worth cleaning up the applications. To save the time-consuming manual work and to minimize the risks, we have developed a washing machine for software for this task.

Clean Up Applications with Agility - Using the Washing Machine for Software
Our colleagues Manuel Dolle and Reg Mulder presented our concept of a software washing machine at the 'SVA Mainframe Dayz 2023' and at the 'GSE Technical University - Mainframe Modernization'. We will be happy to send you the presentation slides and discuss with you how your applications can be cleaned up with agility:

Read now how you can remove the technical debts from your COBOL, PL/I and Delta ADS applications securely and completely automatically with AMELIO CleanUp:


Legacy Systems in Flux - Automatic Migration?Legacy Systems in Flux - Automatic Migration?

How can legacy applications be adapted for the future and is an automatic migration from COBOL to Java effective?
Are the applications then still maintainable?

This was discussed lively and controversially by the experts in the webinar organised by itemis.

Find out here which arguments speak for or against certain solutions and approaches.


Iceberg Ahead: Helmsman Get Us on TrackIceberg Ahead: Helmsman Get Us on Track

Iceberg Ahead! Helmsman Get Us on Track or How to Realise the Added Value of Modernisation.

Modernising a legacy application to. e.g. save costs, minimise risks or replace old platforms or technologies? Yes! But ...

  • ... which is the best way?
  • ... how can risks be minimised?
  • ... how can efforts for modernisation and testing be reduced?
  • ... how can the productive implementation of the modernised application be simplified?

In his series "Iceberg ahead", our colleague Hans Nickessen describes his experiences in dealing with legacy applications.

Read in the current episode which possibilities there are to realise the added value of a modernisation.



Related Information

Webinar Series: 'ICEBERGS AHEAD: DISCOVER - (re)understand applications!'

Newsletter February 2025

IMS Replacement at Gothaer: In Time – In Budget – In Scope

AMELIO Modernization Platform slashes Risks and Costs for Modernization and Migration

Successful Assessment for Replacing VORELLE

Aquila Heywood and YOUPLUS introduces ADS on Eclipse

AMELIO Logic Discovery: Analysis for COBOL, PL/I and Delta ADS Applications

Your contact to us ...

Do you have further questions or would you like more information about our products?
We are happy to serve you!

I am not a Robot:

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Webinar 'ICEBERGS Ahead: CleanUp - Tidy and cleanup Applications' on 26.03.2025

Webinar 'ICEBERGS Ahead: CleanUp - Tidy and cleanup Applications' on 26.03.2025


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