Newsletter - Thursday, 02 February 2023
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Dear Delta Interessent,
Full of energy, we are starting this new year! Finally, we can meet you again in person: at events and at your company. We very much hope to see you at SVA Mainframe Dayz and at the GSE Technical University. Look forward to the presentation of our washing machine for software.
In the text series "Iceberg ahead", our colleague Hans Nickessen describes his experiences in dealing with legacy applications. Read in the current episode how the modernisation of legacy applications helps to reduce costs and risks.
We also have some product updates, new training dates and, of course, the highlights from 2022 for you.
We hope you enjoy reading and we are looking forward to a lively exchange.
Your Delta Software Technology Team
Support Information: New Product Versions available
We have released new versions for the following products:
- ADS 6 for COBOL (6.6.0)
- PostgreSQL - New Target for ADS 6 for COBOL
- ADS on Eclipse (8.1.0)
- ADS on Micro Focus (8.1.0)
For more information about the new features and improvements, please see the respective release notes and reference books in the support area of our website:

Let's meet Delta
COBOL and PL/I applications perform their service reliably every day. But the longer the applications live, the more dirt and technical debts accumulate in the applications, making maintenance and further development increasingly difficult and error-prone. Also, in the run-up to modernisation projects, it is advisable to clean-up applications in order to avoid errors and to reduce costs.
At the following events, we will report on how you can clean-up your applications in an agile way using a software washing machine:
- SVA Mainframe Dayz 2023 | 07.-08.03.2023, Wiesbaden (Germany)
- GSE Technical University - Mainframe Modernization | 20.-21.03.2023, Kassel (Germany)
By the way, the presented approach and technology is also perfectly suited for a safe, step-by-step modernisation of applications.
You cannot attend the events? We would be happy to present the AMELIO Software Washing Machine to you in a personal meeting. Simply get in touch with us.
Iceberg Ahead: Hard to Port or Risk Minimization
Changing large, productive IT applications is associated with high costs, risks and an enormous amount of time. The race in the areas of agility, adaptability, and the adoption of new requirements is becoming increasingly difficult. The costs for the maintenance and further development of the application are increasing. The productive lifetime of business functions is often measured in decades. Technologies, on the other hand, have a much shorter lifespan. For such transformation projects, you therefore need flexible tools that change your applications in a targeted manner - without endangering functionality and thus the important day-to-day business.
Our colleague Hans Nickessen reports in his text "Hard to Port or Risk Minimization" about how modernization contributes to cost reduction.
New Delta Training Courses: Register Now
Anyone using tools to automate software development needs in-depth knowledge of the methods, modes of operation, and capabilities of the tools. And not just "in principle", but in relation to the concrete environment and task.
Our training courses and workshops help you to use Delta tools efficiently and to optimise the development of your applications: Practice-oriented and taking into account your main areas of interest.
ADS Basics - ADS for Administrators - ADS Refresher - ADS on Eclipse - ADS What's new
Contact us to discuss your requirements for a customised training.
Further information on training courses and workshops you will find here:

Our Highlights in 2022
The pressure to reduce costs and at the same time increase flexibility is a permanent companion of IT departments. For our customers, especially for banks and insurance companies, this has brought the consolidation of database systems into focus. Our reports on the successful replacement of old database systems such as IBM IMS therefore met great interest.
Click here to get directly to the project reports:
- IMS Replacement at Gothaer: In Time – In Budget – In Scope
- Provinzial achieves complete migration from IBM IMS/DB to IBM Db2 with Delta