Newsletter - Tuesday, 03. May 2022
Download Language: Englisch - Version: NL21022.02
Dear Delta Interessent,
When the existing doesn't really fit anymore and thwarts new development, the call for "We'll make everything new with ..." is quickly heard. But, it is worth taking a closer look: Why should everything be redone if the basic functionality of the applications has proven its worth and does not change? What exactly is bothering you? And can the desired goals perhaps be achieved much faster with a targeted modernisation?
Instead of making everything new, the insurance group Provinzial Rheinland decided to migrate their proven applications from IBM IMS/DB to Db2 in cooperation with Delta. They thus created future security and, above all, freedom for new development much faster than with a re-implementation of the existing functionality. Read more in our report.
And thinking even further: Can targeted modernisation become part of the normal development process? At the workshop "Software Reengineering & Evolution" of the German Informatics Society (Gesellschaft für Informatik - GI), we presented a sustainable solution and its practical utilisation by a customer. Read the detailed article about the "Washing Machine that Automatically Cleans up Technical Debts".
We have also provided a new version of our generative development system Delta ADS for you.
We wish you an insightful read and look forward to your enquiries and feedback.
Your Delta Software Technology Team
Provinzial realizes complete migration from IBM IMS/DB to IBM Db2 with Delta
"The Delta solution has its advantages in two points that are particularly important to us: Due to the complete automation of the transformation, the ongoing development of the system, as requested by the business, was uninterrupted during the entire project. Due to the in-place migration and a parallel operation concept, we achieved absolute security and quality during the migration. The guaranteed operational “smoothness” in the project, despite the complex modernization, is certainly a unique feature of the solution."
Stephan Kaiser, Program ‘sponsor’ Provinzial.
Furthermore, how did Provinzial and Delta overcome the hurdles of the paradigm change without changing the application logic or compromising performance?
Read here the Success-Story:

24th GI Workshop "Software-Reengineering & Evolution"
Dr. Daniela Schilling presented a concept and the solution as well as its utilisation by Delta's client RDW in order to make applications quickly and safely fit for the future at the 24th Software Reengineering & Evolution workshop of the German Informatics Society's (GI) special interest group on Software Reengineering (SRE):
"A Washing Machine for Software - Automated Clean-up of Technical Debts"
What does a sustainable strategy for eliminating technical debts look like?
RDW has been developing and maintaining its core backend applications for more than 30 years. The applications run reliably, but over time technical debts have accumulated, making maintenance and further development difficult. RDW and Delta have jointly developed a sustainable solution to this problem: A washing machine that automatically cleans the software from the technical debts.
Read here how to get your software cleaned up:
Support Information: New Product Version of Delta ADS available
We have released a new version of our generative development system Delta ADS for COBOL. With the release 6.5.1 a new optimisation option for the code generation has been implemented:
Using the option OPT-L, you can have the control code for iterations be optimised.
Do you already know the option OPT-O?
Using this option will optimise the generation of control statement and thus will minimises the generation of GOTOs.
You will find further information on new functions and corrections in the respective release notes in the support area of our website ...