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Newsletter - Thursday, 16th December 2021
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Delta NewsletterDear Delta Interessent,

Almost 50 years ago, the computer scientist Dr. Reinhold Thurner presented the first ideas for the automation of application development using software generators. This resulted in one of the most successful tools for the generative development of COBOL and PL/I applications: Delta ADS. We're proud to be celebrating Delta ADS's 45th anniversary this year.

The fact that ideas, concepts, tools and applications often prove themselves sustainable much longer than expected not only applies for Delta ADS. Many large, complex and mission-critical applications that have grown over decades constitute the core of our customers' successful business operations.

Find out today how you can automatically recover the knowledge about these applications with AMELIO Logic Discovery.

At the SVA Mainframe Days, we recently presented how technologies in such complex applications can be replaced automatically and in parallel with ongoing operations.

We are curious: What is your dream environment for ADS, COBOL and PL/I?

We hope you enjoy reading,

Your Delta Software Technology Team

45 Years Delta ADS45 Years Delta ADS

Delta ADS celebrates its 45th anniversary!

"I am pleased that after almost 50 years, Delta ADS
is still being used successfully for the development
and migration of large and complex applications."

says Dr. Reinhold Thurner, the "father of Delta ADS".

We have summarized for you how Delta ADS has evolved over the past 45 years, why it has been and still is so successfull. Find out what advantages Delta ADS offers you for your future application development.


AMELIO Logic Discovery - 'Nicholas'-ReleaseAMELIO Logic Discovery - 'Nicholas'-Release

On 06.12.2021 we have released a new release of AMELIO Logic Discovery.

The new query technology expands the KnowledgeBase perspective and provides you with exactly the modules that are relevant for your task. In addition to the ready-made queries, you can now easily define your own queries with the query builder.

Do you want to (re)understand your applications, carry out a migration or modernization project? Or free your applications from technical debt?

AMELIO Logic Discovery helps you and automatically provides you with all the information you need. Try it out ...


SVA Mainframe Dayz 2021SVA Mainframe Dayz 2021

Delta Software Technology participated at the SVA Mainframe Dayz digITall with the presentation "Application modernization according to your wishes, parallel to ongoing operation". Dr. Daniela Schilling exemplified a large-scale mainframe project to show how you can safely and reliably carry out a complex modernization of your applications in parallel with ongoing operations.

You could not attend?
Here you can find the presentation slides and watch the recording:


The Best Environment for Your Application DevelopmentThe Best Environment for Your Application Development

Innovating, implementing better solutions, finding errors faster, getting more value out of what you have: All this requires a working environment that supports you in your daily work and that you feel comfortable with.

Do you or your teams develop applications with Delta ADS? In COBOL? In PL/I?

We would like to know from you which development environment do you prefer?
Which one do you use and which one would you like?

Thank you for participating in our quick survey.



Related Information

Webinar Series: 'ICEBERGS AHEAD: DISCOVER - (re)understand applications!'

Newsletter February 2025

IMS Replacement at Gothaer: In Time – In Budget – In Scope

AMELIO Modernization Platform slashes Risks and Costs for Modernization and Migration

Successful Assessment for Replacing VORELLE

Aquila Heywood and YOUPLUS introduces ADS on Eclipse

AMELIO Logic Discovery: Analysis for COBOL, PL/I and Delta ADS Applications

Your contact to us ...

Do you have further questions or would you like more information about our products?
We are happy to serve you!

I am not a Robot:

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Webinar 'ICEBERGS Ahead: CleanUp - Tidy and cleanup Applications' on 26.03.2025

Webinar 'ICEBERGS Ahead: CleanUp - Tidy and cleanup Applications' on 26.03.2025


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57392 Schmallenberg

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