Newsletter - Tuesday, 31th January 2017
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Dear Reader,
are your Delta installations up-to-date? Take a look at our list of the latest product versions and plan the update of your Delta products now.
Consolidation and modernisation of their IT applications were the main interest of our clients and prospects. According to the analysts, these topics will have top priority also in 2017. We have put together the most popular articles.
We’d like to know from you: Which topics and projects have top priority in your agenda for 2017?
Your Delta Software Technology Team
Ihre Themen 2017...
Which topics lead on your agenda for 2017? Give us 1 minute and take part in our survey:
1. Current Product Versions – Plan Your Updates now!
Updating the development tools often collides with the project work. Why change something that works? But there are good reasons to update to the current versions:
- Old product versions cause higher costs.
- New features accelerate the development.
- Error corrections avoid workarounds that make the next update more difficult.
You do not know how much your individual installations differ from the standard products and how to determine dependencies and efforts?
We help you to update to the current product versions quickly and easily.
Get information and updates right now. You’ll find the list of our current product versions here:
2. Cutting Risks and Costs for Modernisation and Migration
Changes across all applications are one of the permanent tasks of the IT departments in large companies. If and when thousands of modules of the productive IT application systems have to be changed, the answers to the following questions are essential:
- How can you ensure consistency and quality of the changes?
- How do you avoid blocking other projects?
- How do you integrate changes from other projects into the mass changes?
- How do you guarantee the safety and stability of the productive systems?
- How do you manage the effort, costs and timing of the testing?
For the modernisation of your legacy applications, you should know what AMELIO could do for you:
3. Modernisation: Consolidating Database Systems
Many companies are struggling against increasing costs resulting from the parallel use of different database technologies, the dwindling know-how and the growing expenditure for the further development and maintenance of the large and complex applications that ensure their daily business.
As an example for the consolidation of database systems, we explain the possibilities for replacing IBM IMS databases:

4. Modernisation: Replacing Generative Development Systems
Whoever uses generative tools for the development of COBOL and PL/I applications wants to profit from the advantages also in the future. Thus, a modernisation must maintain the higher level of abstraction and thus go far beyond a simple language transformation.
Read on to get more information about the research project MoMaG here: