SCORE® Data Architecture Integration™
Daten als echte Business Services: Schnell, einfach und unabhängig von Datenarchitekturen und Speicherungsformen.
SCORE Data Architecture Integration
SCORE Data Architecture Integration
Data as Intelligent Business Services - Independent of Data Architectures
Intelligent services adapt themselves to their environment and deliver their information, i.e. data or data supplemented with functionality, independently of the underlying data bases and other data management systems. Intelligent services are very flexible and perfectly suited to meet changing information requests by a quick adaptation of the IT applications.
SCORE Data Architecture Integration is a powerful generative tool that enables you to quickly and easily provide data from most different sources as genuine business services within your service-oriented architecture or any other application architecture.
Layer Architectures and Encapsulation
Enterprises wanting to make their applications flexibly available for new requirements using a modern application architectures need to implement a clean application layer architecture and a strict separation of the individual layers from one another. Only this way, they can obtain the independence of the individual architectural aspects and the application components that is imperative for the desired flexibility.
Beyond that, the quickest and best way to meet the increasing demands is the automation of the service development as far as possible.
Data Architecture Integration Delivers Data as Perfectly Tailored Services
SCORE Data Architecture Integration simplifies the development of data services. It makes data available as genuine business services – exactly as requested by the service consumer. The application layers are clearly separated from each other.
With SCORE Data Architecture Integration data services can be developed a lot faster than usual, because the entire access code is generated fully automatically. Data from different sources can easily be combined and flexibly supplemented with further functions. All platform-specific details are cleanly encapsulated and the service consumers remain totally independent from the underlying data architectures and data storage systems, as well as from the underlying system platforms and communication solutions.
New services can practically be produced at the push of a button.
Supported Database Systems
SCORE Data Architecture Integration supports
- File systems
- Hierarchical databases
- Network databases
- Relational databases
Please see our list of the supported platforms for further details.
What Our Customers Say About SCORE Data Architecture Integration
RDW migrated 14,400 software objects with more than 12 million lines of COBOL code from UNISYS OS 2200 RDMS RSA to Microsoft Windows with Fujitsu NetCOBOL for .NET and Microsoft SQL Server as datenbase. 3,200 data access servers have been automatically generated with SCORE Data Architecture Integration.
The interview with RDW shows the project from the customer's point of view.
Would You Like to Learn More?
For a first overview on SCORE Data Architecture Integration read our product description.
Do you want to provide your tried and trusted legacy applications as services for new applications? Then get informed about the possibilities for a flexible and non-invasive service enablement. Further information can be found here.
As experts for the automation of software development we offer bespoke solutions that can simplify your application development. Please contact us.
Supported Platforms
Supported Platforms
SCORE Data Architecture Integration is a powerful generative tool that enables you to quickly and easily provide data from most different sources as genuine business services within your service-oriented architecture or any other application architecture.
SCORE Data Architecture Integration Turns Data Into Intelligent Services
With SCORE Data Architecture Integration data services can be developed a lot faster than usual, because the entire access code is generated fully automatically. Data from different sources can easily be combined and flexibly supplemented with further functions. All platform-specific details are cleanly encapsulated and the service consumers remain totally independent from the underlying data architectures and data storage systems, as well as from the underlying system platforms and communication solutions.
New services can practically be produced at the push of a button.
- Bull DPS7, Bull DPS8
- Fujitsu BS2000/OSD (Siemens BS2000/OSD)
- HP NonStop Guardian
- HP NonStop OSS
- IBM WebSphere Platform
- IBM z/OS
- Java Application Server – different vendors
- Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 8
- Microsoft Server 2003, 2008, 2008 R2
- Oracle WebLogic Platform
- Sun Solaris
- Unisys OS/1100, Unisys OS/2200
- Unisys NPE
- Unix und Linux – different vendors
Other platforms on request
Databases + Other Data Management Systems
Supported are
- Index sequential file systems
- Hierarchical databases
- Network databases
- Relational databases
In particular
- Bull IDS2
- Bull Interel
- Fujitsu LEASY (Siemens LEASY)
- Fujitsu SESAM/SQL-Server (Siemens SESAM/SQL-Server)
- Fujitsu UDS/SQL (Siemens UDS/SQL)
- HP NonStop SQL/MP
- HP NonStop SQL/MX
- IBM Informix
- Ingres
- Microsoft SQL Server
- Oracle
- Oracle RDB (HP RDB)
- Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise, Advantage Database Server
- Unisys RDMS
Other database systems or file systems on request.
- Java
- C#
- COBOL - miscellaneous Cobol-Compilers (e.g. IBM, BULL; ICL, Unisys, Micro Focus, Fujitsu, etc.)
- Delta ADS
Other languages, compilers and development systems.
Middleware And Communication
- Oracle Tuxedo
- Fujitsu UPIC (Siemens UPIC)
- IBM CICS Transaction Gateway
- X/Open CPI-C
TP Monitors
- Bull DPS7, TDS7
- Bull DPS8, DM4
- Bull DPS8, TP8
- Oracle Tuxedo
- Fujitsu OpenUTM (Siemens OpenUTM)
- HP NonStop Pathway
- HP NonStop Tuxedo
- Unisys OpenOLTP, TIP, HVTIP, DPS/1100, DPS/2200
The platform support of SCORE is continuously being expanded. If your platform is not listed above, please contact us to talk about your special requirements.
Would You Like to Learn More?
For a first overview on SCORE Data Architecture Integration read our product description.
As experts for the automation of software development we offer bespoke solutions that can simplify your application development. Please contact us.
Downloads / Documents
Documents about SCORE Data Architecture Integration
Download Language: Englisch - Version: MT21050.02
Simply provide your data as intelligent services: independent of data architectures and management systems, smartly integrated into your application architecture
Read moreDownload Language: Englisch - Version: MT21060.01
SCORE Data Architecture Integration has played an important role in RDW’s platform migration from Unisys OS 2200 to Microsoft Windows. The original application consisted of a one-tier architecture accessing the RDMS database via RSA CALL interface.
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