We help you to update to the current product versions quickly and easily. Get information and updates right now. You’ll find the list of our current product versions here.
Our customers can find further information in the release notes in the Support Area.
Delta ADS - Application Development for COBOL and PL/I
Delta ADS Application Development for COBOL and PL/I: Platform independent development for future-proof back-end applications.
· | Delta ADS 6 for COBOL (all platforms) | new | 6.6.7 |
· | Delta ADS 6 for PL/I (development on workstation) | 6.1 D | |
· | Delta ADS for COBOL (development on open systems or mainframe) | 5.1 C | |
· | Delta ADS for PL/I (development on open systems or mainframe) | 5.2 | |
· | Generator Engine (PDL/VM) for IBM z/OS, IBM RS6000 AIX, Sun Solaris, Microsoft Windows, other Unix/Linux-Systems | new | 6.6.6 |
ADS on ...
ADS on ...: Standardize your working environments for the application development.
· | ADS on Eclipse | new | 8.2.1 |
· | ADS on IBM IDz | 6.7.0 | |
· | ADS on Micro Focus EDz / EDc | new | 8.2.1 |
· | ADS on Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 & 2022 | 1.2.3 | |
· | DETAB on Eclipse | 6.8.1 |
With the AMELIO CleanUp you can quickly and securely clean up your COBOL and PL/I as well as Delta ADS applications and thus regain the flexibility and adaptability of your core applications.
· | AMELIO CleanUp aka. Washingmachine | new | V2024 |
AMELIO Logic Discovery
AMELIO Logic Discovery: Comprehending COBOL and PL/I as well as Delta ADS applications: Cut costs and risks for maintenance, modernization and re-implementation.
· | AMELIO Logic Discovery for COBOL | new |
2.5.0 |
· | AMELIO Logic Discovery for PL/I | new | 2.5.0 |
· | AMELIO Logic Discovery for Delta ADS | new | 2.5.0 |
AMELIO Modernization Platform
AMELIO Modernization Platform: The tailor-made factory for the modernisation of large IT applications: 100% automatically and that's why it is safe, reliable and error-free.
· | AMELIO Modernization Platform | new | V2024 |
SCORE Adaptive Bridges
SCORE Adaptive Bridges: Intelligent service enablement for the reuse of proven applications with modern technologies: flexible, profitable and non-invasive.
· | SCORE Adaptive Bridges | 4.10 |
SCORE Data Architecture Integration
SCORE Data Architecture Integration: Data as real business services: fast, easy and independent of data architectures and management systems.
· | SCORE Data Architecture Integration | 4.10 |
Our customers can find further information in the release notes in the Support Area.
Application Areas
Our customers use our tools for a diverse range of tasks:
- From automating individual development tasks to automating entire project workflows,
- From generating for a single platform to building entire factories for the modernization of legacy applications,
- From using our tools as standard products to building generators to automate their software production,
- From "simple" migrations to the transformation of complete software systems,
- From the appropriate functional application integration to building service-oriented architectures (SOA).
Our industry-independent horizontal tools can be used with all software architectures, technologies, platforms and languages and can interconnect them perfectly.
Our tools help you to build applications that can quickly and securely adapt to changing business requirements, technical infrastructure and available resources. They help you to benefit from an ever-changing world.
As “The Generator Company”, we combine our standard products, our core technologies, the latest research results and focused professional services to provide you with tailor-made solutions.
- AMELIO Modernization Platform – Change your large-scale IT applications with a tailor-made factory: securely, reliably, error-free and 100% automated.
- AMELIO Logic Discovery – helps to understand the existing COBOL and PL/I applications and thus reduces the costs for re-implementation of the existing functions and for the modernization of the applications.
- AMELIO CleanUp - Washing Machine – Securely clean up your COBOL-, PL/I- and Delta-ADS applications and regain the flexibility and adaptability of your core applications.
- SCORE Adaptive Bridges – Make your mission-critical COBOL applications and your data quickly and securely available as real services for new applications.
- SCORE Data Architecture Integration – Data as real business services: fast, easy and independent of data architectures and management systems.
- Delta ADS for COBOL and PL/I – Increase the value of your existing applications. Add new functionality to your applications using your existing technologies and platforms.
- ADS on Eclipse – With ADS on Eclipse you now can standardize your working environments for the application development.
Delta has a 45-year track record of successfully delivering advanced software generator technology to Europe’s leading organisations, including ADAC, ArcelorMittal, AquilaHeywood, AMP, B+S Banksysteme, Daimler, DBV-Winterthur, Datenzentrale Baden-Württemberg, Deutsche Bundesbank, Deutsche Telekom, Generali, Goldman Sachs, Grupo Edson Queiroz, Hütte Krupp Mannesmann, La Poste, Liechtensteinische Landesbank, Logica E&U Solutions, MAN, METRO, One Steel, RDW, Schorch, SmartStream, Sollac, Suva, Swisscom, T-Systems, UBS, Wiener Gebietskrankenkasse.
AMELIO Logic Discovery
AMELIO Logic Discovery
SCORE Adaptive Bridges
SCORE® Adaptive Bridges™
Intelligentes Service Enablement für die Wiederverwendung bewährter Anwendungen mit modernsten Technologien: Flexibel, rentabel und non-invasiv.
AMELIO Modernization Platform
AMELIO® Modernization Platform™
Maßgeschneiderte Factory für die Modernisierung großer IT-Anwendungen: 100% automatisch und deshalb sicher, zuverlässig und fehlerfrei.
ADS for COBOL and PL/I
ADS – Automatisierte Entwicklung für COBOL und PL/I
Plattformunabhängige Entwicklung für zukunftssichere Back-End-Anwendungen.
SCORE Data Architecture Integration
SCORE® Data Architecture Integration™
Daten als echte Business Services: Schnell, einfach und unabhängig von Datenarchitekturen und Speicherungsformen.
Mit der AMELIO CleanUp von Delta Software Technology können Sie Ihre COBOL-, PL/I– und Delta ADS-Anwendungen schnell und sicher bereinigen und so die Flexibilität und Anpassbarkeit Ihrer Kernanwendungen zurückgewinnen.
Delta IDS
Delta IDS ist die moderne integrierte Entwicklungsumgebung (IDE) für die einfache und effiziente Entwicklung und Pflege Ihrer Delta ADS-Anwendungen.