Digitisation requires not only new forms of processing, but also new data types. Examples of this are new data types such as
- BLOB - Binary Large Object
- CLOB - Character Large Object
- XML, etc.
These data types enable the storage of large unstructured binary data objects such as image, audio or multimedia files as part of the corresponding data records directly in the respective database or, in the case of CLOB, to process data in international Unicode format.
Delta ADS 6.4.0
The now released Delta ADS for COBOL 6.4.0 offers you additional functions for creating Data Access Servers for IBM DB2 and Oracle and supports the usage of new SQL data types such as BLOB, CLOB, XML, etc.
These data types are defined differently in the different database systems. As always, Delta ADS compensates these differences automatically, following the principle "Single Source - Multiple Target".
In addition, the new Delta ADS 6.4.0 also includes new features that improve performance. Please refer to our Release Notes for further information.
Contact us and order your update for your Delta ADS now.