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Washing Machine

AMELIO Software-WaschmaschineClean up your proven Applications with a Washing Machine for Software.

Remove Your Technical Debts, now!

Nobody likes having to Clean up Everything by Hand ...
Software also accumulates dust over the years. Because of the effort and risk, a removal of the dust is often avoided. On the other hand, the maintenance is becoming increasingly difficult. If the proven code should be used continuously, either in maintenance or as a basis for rewriting, it is worth cleaning up the applications. To save the time-consuming manual work and to minimize the risks, we have developed a washing machine for software for this task.

Understand, Clean up and Modernize Applications automatically!


Technical Debts

Technical Debts

In most cases, technical debts are an impact that

  • prevent an efficient maintenance and agile development processes.
  • that make the interaction with components in “more modern” languages and technologies more difficult.
  • jeopardize the future viability of the application and the supported business processes.
Washing Machine for Software

Washing Machine for Software

  • Automatically cleans up COBOL, PL/I and Delta ADS programs.
  • Predefined washing programs are available.
  • Project-specific wash programs are developed iteratively.
  • Cleaning up the sources can be done in arbitrary steps.
The Requirements for a Solution to this Problem

The Requirements for a
Solution to this Problem

  • It must be automated.
  • It should be gradual, without a big bang.
  • The maintenance and further development must not be impaired.
  • And above all: No interference/interruption of the running operation!
Your Advantage

Your Advantage

  • Technical debts are reliably removed in an audit-proof manner.
  • New findings can be incorporated into the project at any time and applied to all sources.
  • No freeze: maintenance and ongoing operation can continue unhindered.
  • Made in Germany


Traditionally the clean-up of (legacy) software is done manually. During this process, the complete kaleidoscope of possible clean-ups is performed for each program after program. But very often, not all possible and necessary clean-ups are known at the beginning. Many only come in sight when other clean-ups are done. A much better strategy would be to perform the first clean-ups for all programs before, using the knowledge acquired, the next clean-up is performed. This would require an approach where each program might be changed more than once. The risk and effort of such an approach can be minimized when using an automated solution, that can be repeated for as many new clean-ups as are needed.

The AMELIO software washing machine enables such an agile approach in which:

  • new clean-ups can be added continuously,
  • the application is divided in manageable packages for which each clean-up can be defined separately,
  • each of these packages can be processed by the washing machine as many times as needed.

How such a washing machine enables an agile clean-up, will be demonstrated based on a customer example.

Download Language: Englisch - Version: MT21102-02


Software also accumulates dust over the years. Because of the effort and risk, a removal of the dust is often avoided. On the other hand, the maintenance is becoming increasingly difficult. If the proven code should be used continuously, either in maintenance or as a basis for rewriting, it is worth cleaning up the applications. To save the time-consuming manual work and to minimize the risks, we have developed a washing machine for software for this task.

 Read more


Download Language: Englisch - Version: mt21093.02


Existing applications have accumulated a lot of technical debt over the years. Removing it could speed up maintenance significantly. In reality the task of improve the software by removing the obsolete parts is seldom performed. The risk of introducing errors and the cost of testing is the biggest reason for not doing anything.

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Download Language: Englisch - Version: MT21100.01


RDW has been developing and maintaining its core business applications for over 30 years. The applications work reliably, but over time technical debts have accumulated that make maintenance and further development difficult. The daily business as well as the size and criticality of the application do not allow a manual clean-up of the software. The solution for the problem: a washing machine that performs an automated cleaning of the software from its technical debts.

 Read more



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Webinar 'ICEBERGS Ahead: CleanUp - Tidy and cleanup Applications' on 26.03.2025

Webinar 'ICEBERGS Ahead: CleanUp - Tidy and cleanup Applications' on 26.03.2025


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